Our Services

  • A comprehensive evaluation of your eyes which includes an eyeglass prescription and a thorough evaluation of your eye health. Learn More Here >

  • We fit a wide variety of contact lenses including the newest lens technologies. Learn More Here >

  • Ensuring that your child is able to see clearly and comfortably will put them in position to succeed in school and in life! Learn More Here >

  • It's important to get the health of your eyes checked once every year, even if you're not having trouble seeing. We also treat and manage a wide range of eye diseases and conditions. Learn More Here >

  • LASIK surgery can be a great option for some people to reduce or eliminate the need to use eyeglasses and contacts. Ask Dr. Saba if you are a candidate for LASIK surgery today! Learn More Here >

  • Is your child nearsighted? Is their glasses prescription progressing rapidly? Learn more about how we can slow down the progression and protect your child's eyes >